I’ve secured another delivery, this one is a Nonsuch 30 from Maryland to Florida.
Here’s the tracking link, I’ll post logs when possible.
Heading Home
We got off to an early start today. After refueling the tanks and making some repairs to the sail, we cast the lines off and headed south to Norfolk. The weather and wind cooperated with us providing a wonderful sail to finish our transit of the Chesapeake Bay.
We made it to the dock in Little Creek, Virginia, said our goodbyes and are on our way home now.
Norfolk Bound

We departed Deltaville shortly after 7:00 a.m. this morning, winds are light and expected to diminish throughout the day.
Our destination today is Norfolk, Virginia. ETA Little Creek ~14:30-15:00.
We are picking up a manual freshwater foot pump for dish and hand washing.
Sunny skies and storms

The weather gods were nice to us today. We had calm winds and mirror smooth seas for most of the morning. Shortly after noon the wind picked up and we were finally able to set the sail for a few hours.
We made it to Deltaville, Virginia on the Rappahannock River shortly after 5 and have another amazing meal consisting of Chesapeake Bay seafood.
While we were dining, a nice little storm blew through, but Seabiquity was safely at the dock while we were high and dry inside the restaurant.
We’ll probably call it the early night this evening so that we can get a morning start for our journey to Little Creek, Virginia tomorrow.
Late Start

We had real Maryland crab cakes at The Pier last night, they were amazing. All crab and no filling! And these are nothing like the bread cakes with a couple of pieces of crab in it that I was familiar with. If you’re ever in Maryland, GET THE CRAB CAKES! And furthermore, is your own Solomons Island. Get them at the Pier, across the street from the Solomons Island Yacht Club. It was fantastic!
We had to wait for the fuel dock to open so we were a little late getting underway today. We topped off the tanks. Picked up some ice having even a couple of screws to repair a damaged piece of wood.
Today’s destination is the Rappahannock River, about 55 mi down the Chesapeake from Solomons Island. The forecast calls for about 10 knot winds out of the WNW, should be perfect sailing conditions for our course.
Solomons Island

Well, The weather forecast was accurate. We had a wonderful early morning motoring down the Chesapeake making good way in extremely calm seas. Around noon the wind picked up and hammered us for the rest of the day.
We decided to duck out and grab safe harbor on Solomons Island for the evening. Winds tomorrow should be quite nice, 5 to 10 knots out of the due West. It should be perfect sailing weather.
We should be in Norfolk on Tuesday.

We made it to the Annapolis City dock about an hour before sunset. Seabiquity performed well in what our local crew member called the roughest water he’s ever seen in the Chesapeake.
Had a wonderful meal consisting of crab dip, fresh local rockfish, and an unbelievable chocolate cake for dessert at Middleton’s.
We left the dock early in order to make the 65 mile trip to Smith Island before sunset. The water is glassy smooth this morning, winds are expected to pick up early afternoon but potentially in the wrong direction for us to get any sailing in today.
Windy afternoon on the Chesapeake

It was a very windy day on the Chesapeake today, winds were 20 knots with some gusts in the ’40s. We spent the morning doing some last minute provisioning and set off for a short shakedown trip to Annapolis around 1:00.
Diver Down
We started the day off early with a pair of SCUBA dives.
The first one was at Carrot Shoals. Quite nice, but secluded. It was nice diving a new site down here on the south side of Peter Island.
Our second dive of the morning was the Rainbow Gardens, on the south side of Pelican Island. Wonderful dive, we saw Tonga, an older Green Turtle that was quite happy to let us watch him eat for about 10 minutes.
Cleaning and Recuperating
Today was a busy but relaxing day, lots of work was done, but it was relaxing to be on terra firma. We stayed at the marina the entire day and all of the boat crews had pot luck dinner in the evening. It was nice to cut loose and chat with all of the people that we had been communicating with on our journey.